About the Society


How long does the work of the Governing Council members are entitled to the nomination again?
Term of the Board of Directors is three years from the date of the election of the Board and is after the expiry of the election of new board
(For three years). The right extension of its members for a period of only one other, after approval by the General Assembly.

Does the regulatory role of the Assembly on the work of doctors in the area of specialization?
General Btaiwir basis of certain services provided in the area of specialization by improving the performance of the doctor and to facilitate its work and aims
To assist the radiologist to provide medical service featured on a firm scientific basis, but not the control itself.
Assembly is also working to establish rules and regulations to practice and consolidate the principles of quality and quality of the ongoing work with the

What are the financial resources that depend on the Assembly?
The Assembly shall adopt the financial resources to:
1 - Contributions from members
2 - contributions to medical institutions and private and public hospitals.
3 - income from the holding of conferences, workshops, medical.
4 - publications and periodicals issued by the Assembly.
5 - contributions and grants from public and private entities.


Last Update
1/28/2013 10:30:30 AM